The Synthesis of Adaptability, Agility, Balance, & Resilience.

New ESSENTIAL competitive advantage that every company needs NOW to thrive in these mega-waves of uncertainty, ever-changing times, and opportunity, in the Industrial 4.0 Revolution.


The New Gold standard for successful High Performance Teams.

Surfing exemplifies personal ADAPTAGILITY: Mindset, & Skills, required for thriving in these unpredictable, highly disruptive, mega-waves of change, challenge AND OPPORTUNITY, conditions.



In ever-changing times, Resilience isn’t the main foundation for High Performance People, and Teams, to be able to ensure success in tough times.

If you don’t have ADAPTAGILITY, you will NEED lots, and lots, of Resilience!

Adaptable- Agile – Resilient

In tough times, we need a different mindset to ensure thriving in the Mega-Waves of change, challenges, uncertainty AND Opportunity. 



the ability to sense, adjust, and handle changes in conditions, contexts, challenges, and constraints.



The ability to rapidly and easily adjust swiftly to changes, and rebalance fast.



the mental fortitude, approach, and attitude to handle challenges and bounce forward

ADAPTAGILITY:  The new critical leadership skills, and growth-optimised mindset qualities for ensuring that your people and teams, thrive in the mega-waves of ever-changing conditions, challenges, uncertainty AND opportunities. All need it… But few have it!


Adaptability + Agility + Resilience

AdaptAgility Framework

• Awareness: Active Scanning, Assessment
• Decisive: Disruptive, Determined,
• Agile & Adaptive: Mental and Emotional Flexibility
• Professional Performance Potential: Psychological Capital, Positive, Hope, Self-Belief
• Thinking & Timely: Fast & slow, Decisions & Actions
• AQ Adversity Intelligence: Resilient, EQ, and stress-ability
• Growth-Optimised Mindsets: Grit, Gratitude, Growth
• Inspiring Experiences: Incremental, Clear Culture/Context/Climate
• LEAN–in & Balance: Love Learning, Meaningful, Engaging, Sustainable balance
• Integrity & Innovation: Informed/Conscious, Creativity
• Teamworking: Trustworthy, Truth, Transformative, Thankful
• Yes!: What’s Your WHY? Moon shots? Embrace change (Constant Re-invention)

ADAPTAGILITY is... the old Resilience plus... Agility, plus... Adaptability...PLUS... PLUS...on 100x Steroids!

Go beyond Reactive. Become #FutureFit, and Rapidly Responsive, with ADAPTAGILITY based Growth-Optimised Mindsets


Adaptability + Agility + Resilience

Without it, it is unreasonable to expect, or demand, that your people perform at their best, in the new business normal.


Our system ensures that your organisational strategic intentions are embraced, and actioned, effectively by all staff. 

It creates a common language, vision, focus, mindset, and capacity, for ensuring fullest utilisation of people potential for long-term success.

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx Framework, Philosophy, and System, determines the readiness of your internal culture and organisational climate.

It checks how engaged your staff are, and what’s the prevailing perceptions, constraints, and mindsets.

These valuable insights, on the 6 CLEARx dimensions, guides your Internal Marketing Strategy and actions, to optimise the implementation of your High Performance Organisation (HPO) developmental, strategies, workshops, coaching, and training interventions.

People Assessments

Our High Performance/Growth mindset measurement profile.

Uncovers Consciousness, self-awareness, and specific development areas.

This self assessment forms the foundation of the deep, and potent, personal mastery process.

It contributes to meaningful and valuable, life change experiences.

Potent people, create powerful teams.

Team Assessments

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Limitless Leadership Assessments

The CLEARx  Limitless Leadership Assessment™ and profile tool is a 360° survey, which measures the Leadership consciousness and contributions in your team and organisation.

This forms the foundation for leadership Development, Coaching and Mentoring

Limitless Leadership is one of the cornerstones of High Performance Teams and workplaces, and impacts, culture, commitment, organizational well-being and competitiveness.

Climate Assessments

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Staff Engagement Assessments

The CLEARx High Performance engagement Survey a proven framework, for perception measurement in the workplace.

When companies go through change or  implement new strategic interventions,  it’s vital to truly understand how staff perceive the organisational climate, and culture.

The CLEARx Framework and assessments reveals areas of challenges requiring development, and areas supporting positive change and growth.

REVOLUTIONARY Workplace For Coaches, Consultants and Organisational Design Specialists

The ADAPTAGILITY CLEARx proven framework and assessments are becoming the survey system/ diagnostic of choice for HR professionals, executive Coaches, Leadership Development Specialists, and Continuous Innovation/ Change Management consultants.

It provides a detailed, in depth xray view onto the heart and soul of the business with reliable, robust, and proven results, that save time, money, and delivers exponential impacts, and outstanding productivity potential and results.

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Framework and assessments provide clear and concise  insights which help focus and prioritise areas of attention within your client’s teams and organisation,

The Results are:  increases in productivity, clarification of challenges; A Structured and proven system and framework for building a High Performance System and REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE.