I educate, entertain, and inspire, and build greater #AdaptAgility!
I’m an expert on growth-optimised mindsets, high performance teams, and limitless leadership.
And I’m an experienced virtual business leadership speaker in johannesburg South Africa.
Proven Potent High Performance Experience
The Perfect Virtual Speaker Events: More Like TV than Theater
I work from my homeOffice studio in johannesburg, Sandton, Fourways. All talks are customized based on the needs of the client, the event, conference organizer, and the audience demographics.
I learn about the specific virtual event platform and involve the audience throughout by making use of features like polling, quizes, chat, and breakout rooms, to increase interactivity, involvement, and positive experiences.
Proven Potent High Performance Talks
Leaders Make Fire!
– Leading Consciously, From Dark to Spark…
Tough times require Resilient, High Performance Organisations (HPO).
Learn How to Ignite and align your people and team’s fullest potentials, to achieve exponential business success, in spite of the conditions, context, and constraints.
“Fire” = RESULTS…SUCCESS and Thriving!
Fire is a Necessity. Fire enables Possibility. Fire = Fierce Focus, combined with SWIFT Action.
Making fire requires the right skills, mindset, context, and resources. Thus, being able to “MAKE FIRE” = SUCCESS.
DESCRIPTION: Fire is the foundation of all sustainable success in life and Business. If you can’t “MAKE FIRE”, being resilient, resourceful, and relevant…you have serious challenges, competing in the ever-challenging 4th Industrial Revolution, where conditions are seldom IDEAL.
The ability to “IGNITE Potential and MAKE FIRE” in the current challenging business context, is what separates Winers from Winners, Wishers from world-class, and Wannabe’s from We’re DOING IT!
Each day your people and teams MUST “MAKE FIRE” and maintain that FIRE, as the core energy resource to ensure ongoing Sustainability and Success for the people, the teams, and business.
As leaders, You are the SPARK, that engages, and activates, POTENTIAL into POWER. Leaders must SPARK potential into a high Performance and Fiercely Focussed, FURNACE.
Without FIRE…everyone and the business dies! Without The Leadership SPARK… Fire is IMPOSSIBLE!
- Format: Interactive talk or workshop
- Delivery: Local / Remote
- Talk Duration: 45 to 90 mins talk
- Workshop Duration: Half day to 3 day experience
CORE THEME: Building a HPO Workplace
Shifting from Darkness to a Spark.
From Spark to Flame.
From Flame to Fire.
and then Fire to Furnace!
4 Levels and Focus Areas = 4 Business Talks
Level #1.PERSONAL: Bullet Proof #FutureFit Mindsets & Identity
Steps to Building Bullet-Proof Growth-Optimised mindsets, that incorporates Resilience/AQ (Psychological Capital)
Level #2. TEAMWORKING: Turbo-charged with Trust
Conscious Commitment to optimal Teamworking; Connections, Clear Communication, Cohesion, and Collaboration.
Limitless LeaderShip Mindsets to unleash Peak Performance, and deliver outstanding business results, with a culture of Creativity, Innovation, Commitment, Clarity, Certainty, More Meaning, and CANDO Mindsets!
Level #4. – CLEARx Consciously Constructive Culture
CO-Creating a Context, Climate, and Organisational Culture that enables, empowers, aligns and energises your people, to engage their strengths and synergies, in a psychologically safe space, Fiercely Focussed on Meaningful goals and results.
At the end of this participants will…
1. Feel Better, be more aware of, and able to, self manage Emotional Focus and States
2. Have a clear knowledge of the 6 primary levers that controls productivity, performance and Results
3. Understand the process and impacts of applying the proven REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE HPO framework, to build a high performance people and teams.
4. Have a More Growth-Optimised Mindset with greater levels of Resilience,
5. Be able to optimise Mindsets, Meaning, Momentum, teamwork, trust,, communication and collaboration
Business Keynote and Leadership Talks
We Ensure Your Online Audiences Are Involved
Interactive Mind-Grow-Tainment InfoTainment Presentation, Experience
The greatest aspect of an in-person event is an audience being together forming a tribe of like-minded people.
I enable audience participation and interaction at my virtual presentations and talks by using polling, chats, breakout rooms, solo activities, and the social media back channels.
Proven Potent High Performance Expert
The Revolutionary Workplace in 4IR
Every leader needs to optimise performance of People, Teams, Leadership and Culture… This talk gives a clear picture of the 6 most important areas to work on when optimising your teams and workplace.
The content is based upon Tony’s 35+ years of research, experience, and wisdom, in optimising people and workplaces… from potential to PERFORMANCE… with the proven REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams CLEARx High Performance framework, and the #Adaptagility System.
High Performance Leadership Talks
Flap2Fly with What AND WHY!
Interactive Mind-Grow-Tainment Experience
All Teams need something to Energise, and activate greatness, as they navigate the VUCA and ever-changing workplace landscape. The bigger, clearer and more meaningful the WHY, the more potent the HOW.
Thriving in the “Business Storm” is the new normal…we need Resilient People, Turbo-charged Teams, and Limitless Leadership… to create a High Performance CULTURE, that achieves outstanding results…in tough VUCA Times.
High Performance Executive Coach
Exponential needs Engaged Energy
It’s CLEAR… innovation and creativity are a waste of time for many organisations! WHY?
Because they cannot execute and implement their existing strategic imperatives already.
EXPONENTIAL looks at the world, as technologies outstrip our ability to stay up to speed, and explores the Human Performance Technologies (HPT) pathways beyond AI, IOT, and machine learning.
What will it take to take your team into EXPONENTIAL performance and Results? WE CAN get you there…
Years of Wisdom
Tony’s Books
Revolutionary Workplace
Proven Wisdom for Developing and growing Positive, Potent, Proactive, Passionate, High Performance Workplaces.
Deep Wisdom for rapid and robust personal REAL success in every area of your life and business
Wisdom and poetry to move your Soul and Self-Awareness to Tame your Inner Tigers